Monday 14 April 2014

End of Chapter One....

Yello! Arg, finally this day has ended. My desk was pretty stacked up (still is actually) but I guess I can afford a breather now. Hope your day was way better than mine. Hats off to Liverpool (raging inside) for the big win over the weekend. Hope you don't win the title though (lol).
Well folks, hope all the narrative we've started with hasn't bored your brains out. I just first wanted to give the reader (you) a clear understanding of the background of my book before we delve into the plot. A sort of preamble if you like. And now that we have it, enter the Book of Nod proper. Enjoy!

Being the oldest and thus most powerful among them though, he still retained the final authority on everything the Camarilla did. Seven hundred and twelve years as a vampire had horned him into a frightful opponent for anyone who was foolish enough to take him on though it had not stopped many from trying. He’d once been forced to slay the current Council of Primogens’ predecessors as they’d dared to try and dethrone him and all had fallen bar one – Riordan, the vampire he’d embraced himself and the only one to have remained loyal to him.

Clearing his throat to summon attention, he finally spoke up, his deep baritone voice indicative of his authority.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, before we begin, I’d just to thank you all for taking time from your busy schedules and leaving the safety of your cities to grace us with your presence this morning. I know the occurrences of the past few weeks have been very disturbing and I appreciate your growing concern.”

“Apparently not enough to include all of us,” Ivan Popovsky spoke up accusingly.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means you saw it fit to first talk to your, shall we say, little babies before the rest us,” Ivan Popovsky continued, smiling without mirth.

Riordan snorted but Brie did not take it as lightly. “Are you sure you want to call me a baby Ivan?” She asked sarcastically, “Because I can definitely show you otherwise.”

“Oh my,” Ivan Popovsky said, “it has a mouth.”

“Enough,” barked Darius. “Ivan, I called this meeting two days ago and Riordan and Brie are the closet to me and got here well before any of you did so naturally we took advantage and just discussed a few things.”

“Would you care to share what you discussed?”

“We discussed what we’re going to discuss now – the Sabbat.”

Lady Eleanor looked up sharply at his words. “The Sabbat?” She croaked. Taking a cigarette and placing it gingerly between her immaculate fingers, she lit up and briefly inhaled the smoke. “What about the Sabbat?”

“They’re back Lady Eleanor, and this time, they claim to have found a clue to the resting place of the Antediluvians.”

“But that’s absurd!” Ivan Popovsky cried. “Nobody knows that location!”

“I agree with Ivan,” Mistress Cara said. “It’s impossible.”

“Nothing is impossible,” Seth said, so softly that they all but missed it.

“We have been searching for that location as long as they have. We have advantage in numbers and resources, they couldn’t possibly have found it before us.”

 “I didn’t say they found it Ivan, I said they claim to have a clue as to its location. They may be just as much in the dark as we are.”

“Yet we should not even be in the dark,” Ivan Popovsky countered. “We should have found the location by now.”

“But you just said nobody knows the location,” Brie pointed out.

“Perhaps,” Ivan Popovsky said, looking right at Darius. “But as I said, with our numerous resources, we should at least be claiming to have a clue as the Sabbat does.”

“You’re right,” Darius agreed, much to the disgust of Brie who rolled her eyes. “And we shall double our efforts.”

“Double our efforts eh? How many times have we heard that now Darius? Do you even have any other strategies other than that? Or perhaps you’re running out of ideas? Because I sure as hell know we could use some fresh ones.”

“The war is between us and the Sabbat, not among ourselves,” Riordan spoke up.

“War?” Ivan Popovsky echoed incredulously. “There is no war. I’m just asking our Prince here the way forward.”

“Well maybe if you shut up for more than two seconds he might answer you,” Edgar White snapped, fixing Ivan with a dark glare before going back to his quiet rocking. Ivan Popovsky scowled at the lunatic vampire.

 “Thank you Edgar,” Darius said. “Now I know I’ve said this plenty of times but there’s nothing else we can do but continue looking. Let the Sabbat think we’re panicking, it will throw them off their tracks.”

“Not a very good plan,” sneered Ivan Popovsky.

“You have a better one?” Brie asked

“Yes,” he answered. “We make a pact with the Sabbat to find the location together – ”

“And then what you moron? Do you honestly think you can trust the Sabbat?”

“Clearly your mother did not teach you to respect your elders Brie.”

“Even so, she’s correct,” Lady Eleanor said, almost trembling. “The Sabbat cannot be trusted, I should know.”

“We’re well aware of your sad history with the Sabbat Lady Eleanor and I assure you that the Camarilla will never be associated with such.” Darius said.

“The Sabbat are ruthless in their endeavours and pursue everything to the end,” Seth said, barely audible again. Everyone turned their attention to him, Seth speaking was always an occasion to savour. “They’re the perfect machines when searching for something but they also exist for nothing else than to spread dissension and rebellion among vampiric society. It would be foolhardy to join up with them.”

There was a big grin on Brie’s face as she looked in turn upon Ivan Popovsky's face which looked ready to burst knowing he was losing the battle once again. “Well said Seth,” she smiled.

  “I can’t believe this,” Ivan Popovsky said, shaking his head. “You mean to tell me that you actually think we can find the location before they do?”

“Why not? We have as much a shot as they do.”

“Oh don’t be ridiculous Riordan.”

“Ivan,” Riordan started, sitting up in his chair. “Why the sudden push towards a pact with the Sabbat? Don’t you want us, the Camarilla to find the location?”

“Of course I do,” he snapped. “I just do not like waiting and if it were up to me –”

“Well then thank Kane it is not up to you,” Brie cut in.

“We shall soon see about that.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Darius asked sharply.

“Nothing,” Ivan Popovsky replied nervously, suddenly realizing he’d gone too far. “My mouth was just fast for my brain, that’s all.”

“Not the first time apparently,” Brie mumbled under her breath but still got a death glare from the Russian.

Lady Eleanor had regained her composure and was now impatiently tapping an expensive nail on the table. “Look, I say we do what Darius suggests and just double or even triple our efforts. One way or another that location must be found.”

Ivan Popovsky snickered. “And yet you don’t even have the Book of Nod.”

“For Kane's sake just shut up Ivan!” Edgar White bellowed, almost falling from his seat. He started trembling and quickly returned to his rocking though it had increased in pace now.

Mistress Cara rubbed his arm up and down, trying to sooth him when he looked at her as if noticing her for the first time. She quickly withdrew her arm and shrugged. “Just trying to help,” she mumbled.

“No we do not Ivan,” Darius said, “but neither does the Sabbat. This clue that they claim they have is not the Book of Nod, just another clue that will probably lead to another clue.”

“At least they’re getting somewhere,” Ivan Popovsky continued, still bent on his destructive path.

“Ok enough,” Lady Eleanor suddenly cut in, seemingly frustrated at the Russians constant penchant for arguing. “Why don’t we just take a vote and get this over with? Some of us have got plenty of places to be.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” Seth said.

“Alright then. All in favour of the proposal by Darius?” Riordan asked. Everyone lifted their hands except Ivan Popovsky. “I guess that settles it then.”

Everybody got up at once, most paying their respects to their Prince before walking out but there were no such delays for Ivan Popovsky as he stormed out of the boardroom. Woe to the human who would be sharing his bed tonight.
Vampire "fact" #7: Prehistoric monuments called 'dolmens' have been found over the graves of the dead in northwest Europe. Anthropologists speculate they have been placed over graves to keep vampires from rising.

 I walk alone as you are not with me,
By night, I no longer stalk my prey,
As I'm empty without your love.

By day, I wish I could burn in the sunlight
As you have left me, my heart is dead,
Without you to love.

My arms are no longer strong,
As you are not in them,
My eyes can no longer see.

 As I'm blind without you,
I am no longer complete,
As my life,my love,
my heart,my soul,
my mate is gone.

 Sorry folks. As I'm planning to upload the book soon, I won't be blogging about it anymore for a few days and even when I get back, I'll only be putting up a few lines at a time so if you don't have patience as a virtue, then I suggest you get your own copy at the Amazon Kindle store. Unfortunately, as per rules of my Kindle engagement, the book will only be online at Smashwords after 90 days (I know, it sucks). I'll provide you with the link as soon as possible. Remember though I'm currently running another blog about my other books so be sure to visit to catch much more from me. So till we meet again, it's me saying adios!

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